My passion for reading bloomed when I learned to read. While I fondly remember Dick, Jane, Sally, and Spot, my first real book was Little House on the Prairie
As I devoured books, I soaked in the English language and began to appreciate the rhythm and flow of words for themselves. I dabbled in poetry, wrote my secret thoughts in journals, and eventually tried creating my own stories.
My schooling enhanced this exploration of the written word. By the time I reached college, I had discovered the joy of research and a knack for document writing, editing, layout, and design. At work, I use these skills to craft web pages, brochures, and publications. I feel a deep satisfaction with each completed and posted web page or newsletter, and a real pride in my work, but I crave more creative outlet.
Years ago—more years than I like to admit—I turned that creativity to writing my first novel. Then life happened and I let it distract me from my goal of seeing my manuscript published. Now I am unearthing my book from its long repose on my hard drive. My goal for 2011 is to finally re-write and edit my novel for distribution on my beloved Kindle. Publication as an ebook is only the beginning.
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