Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Photography workshop: A personal interest benefits home and work

As mentioned in a previous post, I am taking an online photography workshop. I'm surprising myself by actually making noticeable progress. The most recent revelations came via a Photosanity Q&A webinar—where I psyched myself up to actually ask my most pressing plebe photographer questions—and a lesson on "Making the Most of the Light You Have." Our instructor featured my photo below in her post today on "Week 4 assignment highlights."

I have been wanting to take a photography class since shortly after my son was born. I just never had the time or funds. I also worried that my non-DSLR camera would be a handicap to learning. Would a photography instructor take me seriously and be able to give pointers for my super-zoom camera?

Photosanity works for me on several levels. It is online. I now set aside Tuesday evenings, after my son is in bed, to view lessons (pre-recorded slideshows with audio) and work on the photo editing and upload portions of my assignments. Feedback from our instructor, Alethea Cheng Fitzpatrick, and our local mentor, Alison Eden, is constructive and addresses my (likely overly-picky) concerns about the particular photo.

Turning the tables on Mommy.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ100
Photosanity is geared toward busy, often scattered, parents. It's okay, even encouraged, that you whip out your camera phone and take an imperfect picture (see example at right). The important part is to capture the moment. I'm really enjoying my photo-a-day project featuring my son. The workshop has given me permission to take that grainy photo now and use it as a learning experience that I can treasure as I progress toward taking better photos.

I must sound like a walking advertisement. I actually approached the workshop with a bit of skepticism, but the price was right. Now the class has won me over. Despite sometimes sketchy access to certain features of the class Facebook group, due to my own time limitations, I am satisfied with the online support I receive. It really helps that the instructor and mentor are also busy moms. They understand that my son comes first. Rather than distracting from time with him, Photosanity has fostered my awareness of the little moments. Capturing one of those moments in a photo is priceless!

How does this fit into my usual blog topics and writing interests? I look forward to applying my new skill to my next public health web or newsletter photography project. It is always exciting when I get to bring a personal interest to bear at my work. I need to slow down more often and remember that taking a little time to follow one of my dreams helps feed my effectiveness in other roles. Writing deserves more notice than being relegated to the lowest slot in my busy schedule.

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